Dealing with the World's Woes
Since human history the question of coping or dealing with the struggles and suffering in the world has reverberated right up to the present time. No one seems to be able to offer a satisfactory answer. For simplicity sake, I will try. Life is a glorious adventure and a miraculous unfolding process that never stops until the day we die! But, unfortunately, life is also a paradox complete with dark, miserable and unwanted moments! We cannot escape the duality of this world. But we do not have to become victims either. We can choose to gravitate toward the light by a positive, hopeful, upbeat attitude--without having to ignore the shadows that surround us. Don't let the pain of life crush you! Don't let the harrowing moments make you a prisoner to grief. Remain present and alert and aware--but never forget to keep your eyes on the path before you that you create by your love of life and your willingness to be the captain of your destiny! Remember, you can follow the rainbow even if it's something you can never touch!
No Other Person Can Make You Happy!
One of the biggest and most prevalent misconceptions afflicting people is that we think our relationship with other people will make us happy. This is not true! Your best friend; your mother and father; your lover; your wife or husband; your friends at work...none of them will ever be a source of your happiness! Yes, these close intimates can provide you with much joy and fulfillment--but the ultimate source of your happiness resides within you! People, no matter how close and how much you love each other, can disappoint at times. You can be upset with your close friends; you can feel hurt or slighted. Other people, no matter how deeply you are connected to them, cannot give you sustainable happiness. This must come from your own life force, your own spirit. Your attitude and your way of interfacing with the world fuel your happiness. This does not mean you disregard or neglect your close relationships. Cherish them, for they provide you with an array of uplifting experiences. But the lynchpin to your continuous happiness is based upon the deep, caring, reverential relationship you have with yourself!
Time to Relax
We all realize how important it is to relax in this world. Make sure you devote ample time to just be with yourself in a serene and quiet atmosphere. Relaxation is one of the main keys to wellness and longevity! Treat this process as one of your best friends. The more relaxed you are, the more alive you will feel!!!
There are many reasons people get angry, much of them stem from unresolved childhood hurts and pain. But even as adults we get angry for a vast slew of reasons. We become disappointed, rejected, abused, and frustrated in a variety of situations. Anger is a fundamental part of our emotional makeup. We get mad at leaders, our bosses, our friends, our lovers, our pets, ourselves. Most people justify their anger in a logical way, saying they were provoked or forced to react in anger. Anger does happen to all of us. And sometimes we feel we had no choice but to react in anger at the violations heaped upon us.
For the sake of brevity, I will only focus upon one facet of this complex and universal subject. How we react is an inside job that has little to do with the eternal circumstances. The only thing we can control in a potentially heated moment is how we respond to threats and disturbances. This is a critical part of the anger equation. If you can stop for a second, breathe and try to mitigate your own inner rage, you will be able to diffuse a hostile moment so that it doesn't erupt into an extreme and dangerous situation. Remember to try your best to calm the reptilian part of your brain that wants to leap into the fire. Calm yourself so you can become a force of healing in the midst of an inflammatory moment that could end up burning you badly! The wisest response is to diffuse a hostile moment. Then everyone wins!
Taking Action!
Most people have a tendency to delay taking action. It is easier to put something off or to diminish its importance rather than to seize the moment and go for it. Taking action is living at the apex of your life force. It is honoring your value as a human being. It is consummating your relationship between life and yourself by taking command of who you are. When you delay taking action, you are saying to yourself: "I am weak. I am a failure! I am not worthy of self-responsibility!" Whatever you do in life, do it with passion, implicit trust and devotion. Your actions speak volumes about the powerful spirit of which you are made!
Today Is a Miracle
Without sounding trite, I want us to know how precious today is because it can never be repeated! Today is special, for it offers us opportunities to celebrate our life. Each day is a miracle. Each day is a gift to us to explore, discover and experience! There will never be another day like this one. Yes, it's true that some of us are struggling with challenges today. These cannot be ignored. Yet, at the same time, today is still special, still belonging to you. Live it passionately! Love it! Honor it by doing everything in your capacity to find something beautiful in this day.